Internet in Chile

The technical regulator of the Internet in Chile is the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, through the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel).

The Internet country code is .cl.[1]


Internet access

In 2010 there are 1.056 million Internet hosts in Chile.[1] According to the International Telecommunication Union, 45% of the population in Chile had access to the Internet in 2010.[2]

Internet usage

According to a national survey[3] on telecommunication services consumption, published by Subtel in January 2009, 40.6% of Chileans use the Internet, while 59.1% do not.

Places where Chileans get online
Place  % (*)
Home 45.6
Work 39.0
Cybercafé 29.0
Friends/relatives' house 18.4
University 12.8
School 8.9
Did not use 2.6
Others 1.6

Note: Multiple responses are allowed.
(*) Out of those who use the Internet.

Visits to a cybercafé during last week
Frequency  % (*)
Once 41.7
2-5 times 39.3
6-10 times 7.9
More than 10 times 4.6
Don't know/No response 6.6

(*) Out of those who've visited a cybercafé in the last week.

Broadband Internet usage

There are 1,461,799 broadband Internet connections in Chile as of December 2008.[4] This is a 4.1% increase from June 2008. The number of home broadband connections is 1,233,802 (84.4% of all broadband connections). The nationwide broadband penetration rate is 8.8 per 100 inhabitants. The Chilean region with the largest broadband penetration rate is the Tarapacá Region with 14.2 per 100 inhabitants, surpassing the Antofagasta Region (12.9) and the Santiago Metropolitan Region (12.0). In the study consulted, "broadband" is defined as a permanent (24-hour) connection with a minimum connection speed of 128 kbps, although slower speeds are considered in the study.

Connection speeds

All Internet connections

Internet connection speeds (as of January 2009):[3]

Connection speeds
Speed  % (*)
≤ 256 kbps 3.9
> 256-512 kbps 8.7
> 512-1,024 kbps 15.3
> 1-2 Mbps 53.4
> 2 Mbps 18.7
Average 1.705 Mbps

(*) Out of those Internet home users who know their Internet connection speed (70%).

Broadband speeds

DIstribution of download speeds in the country (as of December 2008):[4]

Broadband market

Companies offering home use broadband connections include:


VTR[5], Chile's largest cable company, offers several "always on" plans through cable modem (as of June 2011):

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 467.73 Chilean pesos (May 2011 average)

Telefónica Chile

Telefónica Chile[6], Chile's biggest phone company, offers several ADSL plans (as of November 10, 2008):

Most plans above will see their download speed doubled or increased by December 2008. Prices will presumably stay unchanged.[7]

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 618.39 Chilean pesos (October 2008 average)


Entel, another major telecommunications company, offers several plans through ADSL:

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 559.77 Chilean pesos (2005 average)

Gtd Manquehue

Gtd Manquehue offers (through ADSL):

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 559.77 Chilean pesos (2005 average)

See also
